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My 96 aspire starts but wont run...need help plz

07-12-2007, 05:09 PM
Yea so im puttin in some new transmission fluid (i think i put a little too much in) and next thing i kno i start it to try to get the bitch to fire up, and now it just stalls out the second i try to put some gas through her.

It never messed with me before like this, so do u think its just that i put too much tranny fluid in or could it be something worse?

The car seriously worked before i put thi sfluid in, and now its a peice of trash.

Any odds or ends i could try to make this car work? Otherwise im throwin it away i dont have time for trash cars like this i would rather ride a Trek.

Thanks to anyone who could lend a hand tho.

07-28-2007, 02:04 AM
Is it an automatic or standard?

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