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HOW TO: Make 5 Point Belt Harness

Dying Fetus
06-10-2007, 03:33 PM
Ok here are some of the things you'll need:

- styrene sheet 0.4mm or 0.015"
- Dremel w/ 1mm ball bit
- Exacto Knife (new blade is a must)
- ruler
- coarse sanding stick
- file (I used a half circle)

Here is a rough finshed result, I still need to touch up some of the paint and add some detail to the "female" buckle.

1. Cut 2mm x 30mm & 14mm strips of styrene for the belts (trim them depending on how long you want the belts)
2. Cut a 4mm x 10mm strip to make the belt length adjusters. Take the knife and carefully cut out a slit for the belt to go through.
3. Cut a 2mm x 10mm strip to make the "male" buckles, take the Dremel and drill a hole at the end, then take the sanding stick and round off the edges. Make sure you sand around the hole or the piece will break. The picture above explains what I mean.
4. Cut a 4mm x 10mm strip for the "female" buckle, use the sanding stick and file to round it.
5. Trim all of the parts and paint them. You should be able to bend the stryene even after it is painted.

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