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Need a Power Window Switch

06-07-2007, 09:19 PM
I'm looking for a power window switch for an '89 Z24. It's the double switch cluster (have had junk yards try to sell me individual switches and I don't feel like snipping wires to make it work). Please let me know if anyone knows where I can get one, as the only one I have found is from a Chevy dealer and it's 50 bucks! Thank you.

06-07-2007, 11:00 PM
Not many of these cars around anymore, for sale or at wreckers, unfortunately Id love an older z24 V6.....

06-07-2007, 11:12 PM
I know, that's the problem, only two I've hunted down were 51.00 from a Chevy dealer (amazingly enough can get one for an older Z24) and one from a junk yard in Washington for 79.00.

The older ones are great but it's a scavenger hunt to find some of the parts!

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