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Renault Clio Acceleration Poblem

05-24-2007, 07:23 PM
Hello, i am having a lot of problems with my clio expression 51 plate, firstly i brought the car not knowing that it had been in an accident and was repaired quickly and sold to any mug who would buy it, that happend to be me! so ive replaced the drive shaft, got some of the electrics fixed (clock and heating stayed on without ignition) and now im experiencing more problems, i have already paid £1000 in labour and parts in getting the car road usable; anyway here are my current problems:

1) At times the car seems to have no acceleration, when i say this i mean my foot is to the floor and im doing 30 mph in 3rd cant go any faster and if i switch to a lower gear it basically comes to a standstill, this usually happens in the mornings when my heating is on but recently its been happening when ever, a little light comes up on the dash which means something electrical is wrong with the car when this happens. I usually have to pull over and then continually try and get the car to move like normal, i get stuck in 1st gear and there is no acceleration. My dad has put this down to my petrol usually being low and he says that i have let all the **** in the fuel tank come up, im not too sure about this because of the electrical light, infact im definately convinced that it isnt to do with fuel because tonight it happend and ive got half a tank of petrol, the light however did come on, so im putting it down to something electrical but does anyone know what?

If any one on here had any ideas or thoughts i would be very grateful to hear them.

06-03-2007, 06:44 PM
hi, i thought i had solved the problem by taking the car to a diagnostic garage who specialise in french cars for mechanical stuff, the faults come as the pedonminoter (accelerater) track 1 circuit fault, pedonminoter track 2 circuit fault and and a/c fault but i dont have air con??????? I got this fixed on thursday afternoon after paying £55 for the part and then £47 for the labour i thought i had got away with it pretty cheap (for a car anyway) but to my distgust and f***ing dissmay the same light came on and the car once again lost its acceleration!!!!!!!!! The mechanic himself wasnt to sure what the problem was at first and he went to the camden renault garage next door and they explained it could be either 3 things, 1) the accelerator pedal is not sending the signal to accelerate to the computer of the car 2) the throttle suming near or in the engine needs replacing or 3) the little electrical connecter thing at the top of the engine that usually gets wet and full of s**t is full of s**t, he cancelled out the 3rd one by checking it and said that it was fine, so this leaves only the most expensive option left http://forum.rac.co.uk/images/smilies/mad.gif

Any ideas whether the mechanic was pulling a fast one on me or not????? ive never been to him but thought i would because they offered a diagnostic at £30 and say they are french car specialists

08-22-2007, 04:57 AM
Have you tried replacing the ECU, or having it looked at? it sounds like a very frustrating problem. i have had a similar problem with a saxo but could never figure out the problem. The only other option i can think of is, does the car have a carburettor if so the ports might need cleaning out.

09-07-2007, 11:53 AM
Is there any jerking or problems with revving it in gear? If there is, replace the fuel filter (cheap) and fuel pump(not cheap) OR make sure its not ignition, make sure the leads arent sparking onto anything near them metal and change leads/plugs/dissy cap.
Otherwise its starting to sound like a new clutch is needed sorry!

09-18-2007, 07:09 AM
Hello...I really hope you get this message, because I had exactly the same problem!

I went through all the same channels as you did, until I eventually broke down on a busy high street and resorted to calling out the RAC. The mechanic was a legend and basically checked all possibilities and explained that all was needed was for the casket that leads to all the electrical stuff to be cleaned! So, I think the s**t that you were talking about may be the root of the problem, cos now my car is fine!

Good luck!

12-19-2007, 12:20 PM
is this definately the cure to the problem? as ive had sum1 check out my car and then was advised by renault that i needed a new throttle chamber unit which has ended up costing me £350 to get it fitted and it still hasnt solved the problem, so angry!

12-20-2007, 03:52 AM
Sounds like you could use a ECU code reader, There only about £43 and you can do your own dianostics without paying a fortune at the dealership. A good website for one is http://www.k-tecracing.com/show_product.asp?id=2429 Good luck

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