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There's a ringing noise in the engine of my Z-24.....

05-24-2007, 02:42 PM
Any idea what it may be? My buddy told me it's something, but I forgot. Something's going out; someone on here know's something......

05-24-2007, 09:26 PM
That's pretty dog-gone vague there, man.

First see if it only happens when the a/c is on. If not, being that it's a GM, I'd bet on the alternator. But have someone that can hear it check it out - unless you can narrow it down a little.

05-24-2007, 11:30 PM
Drop your phone in there?

05-26-2007, 05:28 PM
That's pretty dog-gone vague there, man.

First see if it only happens when the a/c is on. If not, being that it's a GM, I'd bet on the alternator. But have someone that can hear it check it out - unless you can narrow it down a little.

That's what I just thought of and I came back on here (I was on a 7 day bender since last thursday after graduating) and I totally forgot I even started this thread.

It's pretty damn loud. But then it went away, but I only took around the hood a little bit today. I don't think my AC is on, I'm almost sure it's not.

Alternator? I think my bud said something about a timing belt, if I remember correctly, it's just the last week has been so cloudy after drinking vodka everyday.

05-26-2007, 05:35 PM
I should say, I believe the noise to be comming from the area of the alternator. I think it's right in the area. BTW: it's a 96, 2.4 liter....thank god if it is the alternator I can get at it, it's right there.

05-26-2007, 05:38 PM
Drop your phone in there?

BTW; how do you get the top of your caps on (if you change your plugs) because it's seems like I didn't get it on perfectly - I changed my plugs almost a couple weeks ago and the turn over of engine seems not like it was before I changed my plugs. It turns over longer.

05-26-2007, 10:38 PM
how do you get the top of your caps on (if you change your plugs)

You mean the little spark plug boot things that go onto the plugs? You put them onto the nipples on the cover, then put the cover on over the plugs. Don't try putting them onto the plugs first, they might not seat correctly.

About the ringin noise - you can try using a long screwdriver to pinpoint it. Touch the screwdriver to various parts while the engine is running and put your ear right up to the handle. It it like a stethescope- you'll hear it much more pronounce from the area where the ringing is originating. Just be carefull and don't throw the screwdriver into your ear from a pulley or something.

05-27-2007, 01:04 PM
You mean the little spark plug boot things that go onto the plugs? You put them onto the nipples on the cover, then put the cover on over the plugs. Don't try putting them onto the plugs first, they might not seat correctly..

Yeah, I do it that way but it still seems hard to actually know if they're all fully connected because you can't see under that plate (with the 2.4 L sign on it).

About the ringin noise - you can try using a long screwdriver to pinpoint it. Touch the screwdriver to various parts while the engine is running and put your ear right up to the handle. It it like a stethescope- you'll hear it much more pronounce from the area where the ringing is originating. Just be carefull and don't throw the screwdriver into your ear from a pulley or something.

I think I'll try that.

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