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Fiero stalling problem

05-08-2007, 07:03 PM
Hey i have a 1984 ponitac fiero 2m4 i love the car a lot. My questain is when i stop at a light or just stop it stalls sometimes. The engine complely stops very quitly and quikly. It acts as if i never started it then i have to put it in park and restart it and its fine. Can anyone tell me what is the matter or what part isn't working good?

06-14-2007, 08:57 PM
I have an 88 2m4 and mine was doing the same thing I relpaced the transmition fluid and filter and the problem went away. what it was doing was not properly shifting into first when i would stop but only when the trany warmed up.

06-17-2007, 03:00 PM
Have the fuel sysytem checked could be the pump, try changing the fuel filter first

Old Lar
06-20-2007, 07:10 PM
Could be a faulty TCC (torque converter selinoid) Once the auto is warm the TCC doesn't disengage (locked in OD)

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