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91 New Yorker - Fuel Issue

02-21-2007, 11:15 PM
I have a 91 New Yorker with the 3.3 engine. I just got this car, I knew the exhaust needed to be replaced, but it ran fine. After a day or so, a gas smell now fills up the inside when I let it warm up. Would anybody have an idea what would cause this? There isn't any visible leaks, but that was just at a quick glance before work. I plan on working on it tomorrow, thinking maybe its a bad fuel rail or injector problems. Thanks in advance.

02-24-2007, 11:43 PM
I have finally been able to get under the hood, and I see that my fuel rail is dripping, where the metal hose connects to it. I am told I most likely just need to replace the O-ring on the metal hose. Has anybody had experience with this? Any help is appreciated.


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