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'71 / '72 tailight rubber

12-28-2006, 08:08 PM
Anyone know where I can get replacement tailight rubber, for '71 and '72 taillights, that goes between the lens and the back plate, also the one that goes behind the back plate. What I have dry rotted, and shrunk. I've contacted a couple of people online that sell some seals, weatherstripping, but to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.

01-03-2007, 03:06 PM
Have you tried looking in Hemmings Motor News? They seem to have a lot of hard to find parts both by private owners, and from companies who specialize or carry hard to find parts like weatherstripping, gaskets, etc. I wonder if that is something that might have to be "custom made". I remember my father making his own gaskets back in the '70s for older cars that he owned. I'm sure if the material is available something could be made to work.

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