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Misfire on #4 help

12-18-2006, 10:43 AM
I asked for advice under New member hello.

I wanted to add some interesting info that might give someone experienced a bit more to go on. I really need to get this fixed and could use all advice. I pulled the plug wire on #4 after it threw the code # 4 cylinder misfire. As it was acting up we tapped on the EGR to no avail. Pulling the plug wire to #4 cylinder caused the engine to stall. It should not do this should it? Could this be throwing a #4 clinder misfire code do to the EGR being fed into that cylinder and the problem actually be in another cylinder? I switched coils, changed plugs cleaned injectors, checked for vacuum leaks?

12-18-2006, 01:19 PM
Plese add posts to your orriginal thread.

12-18-2006, 01:26 PM
Plese add posts to your orriginal thread.

I am sorry, how do I do this?

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