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ls v8 2000, cold = won't start

12-09-2006, 09:30 AM
Hi, i have a lincoln ls v8 2000, when the weather is cold, the car crank, but won't start... if i plug the bloc heater the car start without a probleme. I need to start the car every 3 or 4 hours if i want to be sure the car starting (if i can't plug the heater)... Please help me !!!

12-09-2006, 09:59 AM
I have a 2000 V6 and had a similar issue just a few days ago. I checked several posibilities, none of which had anything to do with the issue. Lastly I checked the battery, it had low voltage, replaced it and no more starting issue.

12-09-2006, 02:10 PM
In addition to checking the battery voltage, you will also want to consider the coolant temperature sensor and the Idle Air Control (IAC), aka: Idle Speed Control (ISC).

As Ted mentioned, I'd also suggest you start by having the battery tested (including a load test).

If the coolant temperature sensor is reading out of specification, it will cause the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) to think the engine is warmer than it is and incorrectly adjust the air/fuel ratio. On a cold engine, this can cause a no-start or stalling when cold.

Likewise, if the ISC/IAC is not working properly, the PCM will not be able to give enough "choke" to the engine when cold and could cause a no-start condition.


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