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Need advise on exhuast for 01.

11-30-2006, 06:28 PM
Hi everyone,

I recently bought a 01 double cab with the 2.7 L4. Love the truck but not to happy about the lack of power. I will be pulling a single axle enclosed trailer and would like alittle (or alot) more HP and MPG if possible.

I will be doing the "deck plate" mod but would like advice on a cat back.

I am looking at the Gibson cat back but was wondering about the noise level. I don't mind a little bit of db increase but would like the cabin noise level to stay close to stock.

What are any of your experiences and suggestions.

BTW, I am getting about 20 to 21 MPG, would the cat back with the "deck plate" mod increase or decrease this?

Thanks in advance.


12-01-2006, 01:51 AM
Umm.....the only way you are going to get a significant power boost is if you super charge, or turbo charge. Exaust makes a pretty noise, but doesn't deliver any power gains. Do not expect any miracle milage out of any modification. It jsut doesn't work that way.

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