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Mazda Mx3 out of time

11-20-2006, 09:11 PM
Hey guys,

I have a 92 Mazda Mx3 with a 1.6sohc. I am having the worst time trying to find a haynes or chilton manual for help so I though I would try it here.

What happened is that my timing belt on my car has broken and I dont know how to get my car back in time. I have adjusted the timing marks on the cam as where there are 2 on the head and 2 marks on the pulleys but as for the bottom pulley I cant find a mark or indication of where it should go. If anyone knows where I can get a diagram or can tell me where the timing marks line up I would appreciate it.... thanks Nick

12-20-2006, 09:45 PM
there should be a notch on the crank pulley and a triagle on the engine block to match. pull cylinder 1 spark plug and find top dead center and it will have your crank pully new the marks.

04-05-2007, 11:35 AM
Hey guys,

I have a 92 Mazda Mx3 with a 1.6sohc. I am having the worst time trying to find a haynes or chilton manual for help so I though I would try it here.

What happened is that my timing belt on my car has broken and I dont know how to get my car back in time. I have adjusted the timing marks on the cam as where there are 2 on the head and 2 marks on the pulleys but as for the bottom pulley I cant find a mark or indication of where it should go. If anyone knows where I can get a diagram or can tell me where the timing marks line up I would appreciate it.... thanks Nick Fast TIP if u do a lot of ur own work on ur car goto a dealer ship and get a dealer manaul on ur car DO NOT get a cheap NAPA book they suck and cheap for a reason spend the xtra money and get a good book you will find out that it is soo much better than a chiltons if all else fails MITCHEL manuals are awsome.

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