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Review - MFH 1:24 Ferrari 512S

09-14-2006, 02:41 PM
MFH Ferrari 512 S

Model Factory Hiro has just released a new kit – the 1:24 Ferrari 512 S. And this new kit is fully up to the super high standard we are getting used to from MFH. Kit is full and I mean full. All body parts can be removed and detailing is SUPERB. It kind of hurts to see the 1:24 scale details from MFH is much better and sharper compared to similar 1:12 scale kit from other suppliers.
Most MFH kits are in white metal – including the body parts. This makes the kits very heavy – like the FW16. But MFH has been listening to the customers and this time the body parts are in resin. I have always been told you can’t make ultra thin body parts in resin. Look at the pictures included!!
The number of parts and etch is endless and believe me. The kit will look superb when finished. Problem is to finish such a big project. The kit is expensive. But you get much, much more than what you pay for compared to the alternative suppliers. Highly recommended.
Only problem right now is to live long enough to be able to finish all those wonderful MFH kits that are waiting for me.
Look here for additional info.










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