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How Do I Make My Own Electric Supercharger

08-03-2006, 11:17 PM
I was looking at all the people that were trying to sell me instructions to make it and to me it doesnt seem worth the money. I was wondering if anyone knew how and could help me out with this problem. And yes i know its dumb but i have the time and i wanted to try it out on a friends car :iceslolan . thanx , diox

08-03-2006, 11:48 PM
e-mail me at dynastyperformance@yahoo.com

our engineering team can help you as best as possible but we have never designed one before

08-04-2006, 12:04 AM
Heres a thred of us talking about electronic superchargers. I added a link to a sight that used a leaf blower to help produce extra HP.


Aside form that you really just have to buy a fan that has enough output to push extra air into the system. If you really want to waist your money you can buy one off ebay and try it. Although dont expect anything drastic. Like I said in the fourm above, you can probibly do better with a leaf blower!

08-04-2006, 01:51 AM
I wouldn't waste your time trying.

Enough air to boost a 2L engine at 5psi at 3000rpm is around 2kW of pumping power.
With a 60% efficient air pump that takes 3.3kW of shaft power.
With a 90% efficient electric motor you need 3.7kW of electrical power.

To provide 3.7kW of electrical power on 12V requires 300 amps of current.

It's a waste of time, there are no successful electric superchargers for 12V.

Garrett are working on an Ebooster, but it is designed to get a heavily turbo'd small displacement diesel off idle and into boost range. It's for transient operation only.

08-04-2006, 10:16 PM
well what about a system that uses magnets to spool a turbo by using the turbo shaft as the shaft to an electric motor. you could even have it geared lower so that 2 turns of the motor yielded 3 turns of the turbo shaft or something. you could use it at low rpms to get off the line, then have it freewheel once the turbo started spinning on its own. at this point the magnets would de-energize and no electricity would be consumed.

unless this already exisits, and i'm just ignorant, i think i may be on to something!!!

08-04-2006, 11:05 PM
well what about a system that uses magnets to spool a turbo by using the turbo shaft as the shaft to an electric motor. you could even have it geared lower so that 2 turns of the motor yielded 3 turns of the turbo shaft or something. you could use it at low rpms to get off the line, then have it freewheel once the turbo started spinning on its own. at this point the magnets would de-energize and no electricity would be consumed.

unless this already exisits, and i'm just ignorant, i think i may be on to something!!!

Sorry man, it's been done.

But it seems the motor does still suck some life from the turbo even when it's not running.

08-04-2006, 11:44 PM
I wouldn't waste your time trying.

Enough air to boost a 2L engine at 5psi at 3000rpm is around 2kW of pumping power.
With a 60% efficient air pump that takes 3.3kW of shaft power.
With a 90% efficient electric motor you need 3.7kW of electrical power.

To provide 3.7kW of electrical power on 12V requires 300 amps of current.

It's a waste of time, there are no successful electric superchargers for 12V.

Garrett are working on an Ebooster, but it is designed to get a heavily turbo'd small displacement diesel off idle and into boost range. It's for transient operation only.

as much as I hate to say it...he is quite correct :iceslolan

A "real" electric SC will draw a massive amount of amperage. Its not practical. They are good for a very short spurt of power, but require a lot of recharging of the multiple car batteries it would require.

Traditional turbo's are the only way to go IMO

08-06-2006, 02:46 PM
how about using exhaust gas to spool the turbo?? That seems to be a logical way to do it.....and it makes good power too

I admire the effort, but pretty much every way that power can be made, has been harnessed already.....There just isn't a cheap way to make a lot of power, no matter how much anyone wants there to be. I didnt want to blow $3k on turboing my GSR, but it was my only option if i wanted it fast and reliable....that's the sad reality

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