And there will be devised the PERFECT TEST
07-30-2006, 03:55 PM
That which is the ultimate gauge of humanity. It takes into account your knowledge and aptitude with EVERYTHING. Math, automotives, cooking, logic, artistic ability, sexual prowess...EVERYTHING. IT IS THE PERFECT TEST. Everyone will agree that this measurement is fair to all and universally acceptable because it is the PERFECT TEST. Perceptions of what’s important and backgrounds and all other views are rendered limp and flaccid because EVERYONE has agreed this is the PERFECT TEST.
Then based on the results you will get a taser with which to encourage your fellow man to better themselves. The better you score the more powerful your weapon. While a slammed Honda driving, high school flunking, McDonalds working retard will be able to emit barely a spark an M theory dwelling, super stud, logical master mind will be able to render POLAR BEARS IMPOTENT with one small click of their given device. Think now of the glory! The slack jawed morons you wish you could school so harshly for their insolent ways would be apt to be shocked by every passer by! They would soon recant their ways and straighten out after a daily barrage of electric shocks.
Also, there is a minimum score one must achieve to have a breeding license. If you are found too stupid to possess a set of genitals then they will be rendered useless until such time you can prove that you are smart enough to further the species.
There is no end to the usefulness of this, THE PERFECT TEST. Minimum scores to drive or to run for office. Dare I even say a minimum score to LIVE! They who are parasites of humanity; worthless, brainless and futile creatures that have no hope of pulling their own weight. They could be dealt with in due course. Or under the guise of waste not want not they could be used in the most tedious and menial positions.
And the world will be a much better place.
Then based on the results you will get a taser with which to encourage your fellow man to better themselves. The better you score the more powerful your weapon. While a slammed Honda driving, high school flunking, McDonalds working retard will be able to emit barely a spark an M theory dwelling, super stud, logical master mind will be able to render POLAR BEARS IMPOTENT with one small click of their given device. Think now of the glory! The slack jawed morons you wish you could school so harshly for their insolent ways would be apt to be shocked by every passer by! They would soon recant their ways and straighten out after a daily barrage of electric shocks.
Also, there is a minimum score one must achieve to have a breeding license. If you are found too stupid to possess a set of genitals then they will be rendered useless until such time you can prove that you are smart enough to further the species.
There is no end to the usefulness of this, THE PERFECT TEST. Minimum scores to drive or to run for office. Dare I even say a minimum score to LIVE! They who are parasites of humanity; worthless, brainless and futile creatures that have no hope of pulling their own weight. They could be dealt with in due course. Or under the guise of waste not want not they could be used in the most tedious and menial positions.
And the world will be a much better place.
07-31-2006, 11:20 AM
I'll second this motion.
07-31-2006, 11:25 AM
Hmmm, this could be good and bad.
07-31-2006, 09:52 PM
I'd go for that, I think there needs to be a basic test to earn the right to live.
07-31-2006, 10:51 PM
Damn, I was looking forward to taking the test at the end of the post.
08-01-2006, 07:59 AM
That'd be the Emo-judgement day
08-01-2006, 03:49 PM
Damn, I was looking forward to taking the test at the end of the post.
same lol
same lol
08-02-2006, 05:19 PM
Totalitarian society YEAH!
08-02-2006, 07:49 PM
Totalitarian society YEAH!
Turn that 180 degrees, this will be a society of the people.
Turn that 180 degrees, this will be a society of the people.
08-02-2006, 08:41 PM
Only funny because I say this a couple dozen times a year :grinyes:
I seriously think somebody should run for President with this platform. I'd vote for them.
I seriously think somebody should run for President with this platform. I'd vote for them.
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