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MCLAREN SLR,what else is on the wish list

06-24-2006, 10:32 PM
this is excellent news, i hope this kit is just as detailed as the other 2( you know what im talking about), but i would like to here what other cars are on ppls minds, i have read on this forum where ppl want the mclaren f1 but, i would favor the saleen s7 TT ( that would be sweet!). i give props to tamiya, and i dont think they have been slacking off, it takes a long time to make a great model , plus tamiya has been busting their ass for years making the best of the best in the modeling world, they can use a break here and there as long as they give us something great like the enzo or fair priced supra ..so what other models would you want tamiya to make?

06-25-2006, 12:47 AM
Damn your so slow! there is already a thread on this a few down! Mods, lock this thread.

06-25-2006, 01:40 AM
We had this thread this Feb.

Hey Scale-Master, one of your 53 wishes came true; 52 to go!:lol:

As for future Tamiya kits, today I'd say none!
Quite frankly, nothing seem to deserve Tamiya treatment. I mean there're many minor super cars out there, but I don't think they'd become hot sellers, not even the outrageously outrageous Veyron.

I'd rather hope Tamiya to save their tooling cost and wait for the arrival of next generation super cars. Until then, we'll probably be seeing some more diecast-chassised WRC and Super GT racers.

FYI, Tamiya only takes 6 months from planning to production, so it's not like they work their butt off for years to produce the Enzo level kit. What I want to believe is that we got diecast 307, 350Z and NSX Super GTs for the sake of fully-detailed "plastic model" of the SLR-McLaren.

06-25-2006, 04:57 AM
From Tamiya? Well if the SLR does eventuate then that'll probaly be it for new toolings till about 2008. So not really much point speculating when nothing is going to happen. Besides, Fujimi and Revell are pumping out enough good Ferraris and Lamborghinis to keep most exotic builders happy.

What I'd really love is for Hasegawa to do a top-notch 2006 Focus WRC.

06-25-2006, 05:12 AM
I sure would have liked to see a Veyron as opposed to the SLR.

06-25-2006, 06:59 AM
i hope it'll be non die-cast chassis,nothing more for tamiya.

06-25-2006, 07:07 AM
From Tamiya? Well if the SLR does eventuate then that'll probaly be it for new toolings till about 2008. So not really much point speculating when nothing is going to happen.

Yeah, what RallyRaider sed. The anouncement of the SLR does not signal a resurgance from Tamiya, only that the rumors of their demise are slightly exaggerated. It's gonna be a while before we see something else.

06-25-2006, 09:05 AM
Yeah, what RallyRaider sed. The anouncement of the SLR does not signal a resurgance from Tamiya, only that the rumors of their demise are slightly exaggerated. It's gonna be a while before we see something else.

Exactly. I’m frankly surprised Tamiya have announced this, and so secretly. We’ve just had a huge model show in Japan, and no mention of it, and yet it’s just been slipped up on Tamiya’s website with no announcement, it just appeared.

Such is the power of their model kits, they can get away with doing this, as word has spread, and already pre orders for the SLR will perhaps outstrip what Fujimi got for their much trumped up WRX kits. And yet, sadly Tamiya will screw you all over, and do something with the kit that we won’t like.

But, matters not to me, as I really do want the model, so just like the 350Z with the over simplified chassis, I shall buy it but I won’t wish for anymore from Tamiya. I think, Tamiya have released a lot of die cast chassis models, to enable pre builts, and drum up sales with model builders who want quick and easy models, and then re-released a whole slew of back catalog to appease the more detailed modeler. This has in some ways got cash injection, and I feel this will be the only supercar you’ll be getting this year from Tamiya.

I’m surprised it’s the SLR though, and not something like the Veyron. Tamiya are, from all angles looking to be playing the cards in the “what” everyone knows and not what is a next gen supercar model. Everyone knows the SLR, and all supercar aficionados who build models have wanted the SLR, so Tamiya must have done research, and find this to be the one to make them a profit.

By rights, Tamiya should have had this one a few years back, last year should have seen the DBR9, and this year the Veyron. Tamiya are dragging, for whatever reason I don’t know. Anyhow, my wish for this year is coming true.

MFH have the DBR9 in Silverstone race trim this year, and Tamiya have the SLR and S27 has the FW27, and Revell has the super America. I’m actually pretty set, and as most of these are Resin, I perhaps won’t be able to afford much more.

06-25-2006, 11:18 AM
i know about the other thread, im asking what other models you think tamiya should make

drunken monkey
06-25-2006, 12:02 PM
which has also been done to death.

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