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Cylinder #2 Misfire on 98 Sienna

06-01-2006, 08:32 AM
Anyone ever had a a misfire on a cylinder? Anyone know what this could be? Spark plug or plug module maybe?



Doug Tatham
06-08-2006, 02:21 PM
Both are good guesses. Remove the plug and see if it looks burnt or if it's caked with buildup. Another possibility is the plug wire. 8 years is about as long as I'd expect the ignition coil to last. However, the coil goes to more than one spark plug so you would typically have more than one cylinder misfire. Check for moisture. I had a cylinder misfire after rinsing off my engine. Water had gotten into the place that the sparkplug sits and was shorting it out.

06-09-2006, 02:02 PM
Thanks, but which cylinder is number 2? Is it the back or front?


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