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e36/corrado hybrid light project

the russian
05-24-2006, 09:41 PM
I'd like to thank everyone for their help ahead of time, this is my first fiberglass project so any and all comments are greatly appreciated.

I'm going to make a custom headlight housing for some e36 euro-projection headlights so that they can be used in my corrado.
Here's a pic of what they look like

and here is the not so great looking lights its going to replace

my first question is: where can i get some gel coat, i've been all over town and nobody has it... where is a sure fire place to pick some up??
thanks guys

05-25-2006, 09:57 PM
I buy most of my supplies from fibreglast.com sometimes they are a little more expensive, but they offer quality products and good customer service.

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