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36.000 miles on my Toyota RAV electric

Flying Tiger
04-23-2006, 11:44 AM
I just rolled 36.000 miles on my Toyota electric RAV.

It's been 100% solar re-charged for nothing more than bragging rites that I never used any fossil fuel outlets.
I have a solar panel carport at work and have used it exclusively.

The tires are still new looking, I've changed the NiMh batteries twice. Time seems to kill off NiMh batteries, not use or recharges. Just my humble take.
Toyota wants a 14 hr labor charge for the batteries, but with my friend Trini, we knocked it out in about 2.

The regenerative brakes were really sloppy, klunky and oddly enough "grinding" the first 15K, but Toyota had a little fix for that and they are now supurb smooth and quiet.

With the A/C or heat and radio on, I can go about 90 miles on a charge.
I have gone over 120 miles on a single charge.
Runs on the freeway with the big dogs, plenty of power and speed.

You'd never know you're driveing in a electric car except for the fact it is quiet.
It needs something like a soft sounding bicycle bell to warn people that step in front of you in parking lots.
Cats and dogs hear it coming.

The drawback with electric cars are they need a special charger to re-up the batts,, ya can't just plug in at any outlet.
Rumor is that the Mfgs wanted it that way as a nuisance.

The solar panels even put out enough juice on cloudy or rainy days. Takes about 2 hours to charge with almost fully dead batteries.
It's been great,, I'm going to miss it because Toyota has givin' up on electrics.
I'll keep it as long as I can.

I hope some board members can drive it before I give it up.

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