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Nissan Primera ESTATE front indicator needed..

04-20-2006, 03:58 AM

I need a front left (as viewed from behind the car) indicator, for my K-reg (1993?) Nissan Primera P10 ESTATE (Station Wagon?).

The darned thing is different to the Saloon (Sedan), and Hatch (What do Americans call these?), in that it has a screw on the outside, rather than the balljoint on the inside.

I've seen loads of saloons and hatches in the scrappy, but it appears that I cannot fit these without replacing the headlamps as well, and they may not fit anyway..

Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions where I can find one?

P.S. WHY are the lights, suspension and god knows what else, completely different on the estate (Station wagon?) Is it a disguised Bluebird?

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