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steering wheel isnt straight after accident

03-09-2006, 12:35 PM
The other day I side swiped a telephone pole in my 98 cavalier z24 and now my steering wheel isnt straight. The right front wheel did hit the pole. I was wandering if hitting a pole on the side could mess up the alignment or what else I should look at. Thanks for any info.

2000 Tahoe Limited
03-09-2006, 08:01 PM
u have definitely knocked it out of alignment. u need to get it aligned and checked for any damaged parts most likely tie rods bent

03-10-2006, 11:25 AM
Thanks, I will have it aligned asap.

03-10-2006, 02:23 PM
The problem will be deeper than just the alignment. I had a little "off road adventure" on the interstate (rain+bump+70mph=instant 180+360 in the median) it didn't seem like much but the struts were mauled and the alignment was way off. The mechanic I took it to had one hell of a time getting it back into "spec" alignment. He said he had to cut -something- to bring it back to spec. It depends on how strong of a collision and the angles involved, but there may be body and/or frame warpage. My uncle told me once, "after you have significant damage to the front of a FWD vehicle the best thing to do is sell it," now I wish I had! It never stays perfectly aligned, but it's close. It's up to you to determine whether it was enough damage to consider it "bent".

03-13-2006, 01:01 PM
It was about 40 mph at almost no angle. I was headed straight for the pole but I turned the wheel(after putting eyes back on road :banghead: ) and side swiped the pole.

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