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1990 Tracker. Auto trans Shift-Point issue

Random Canadian
03-06-2006, 10:14 AM
Hi Sorry if this has been asked already but I searched and couldnt find anything that really helped.

Anyway my parents have a 90' chev tracker 4wd 1.6l auto trans. I recently replaced the TPS swich and the engine is running top shape now however it seems like the shift points are a little high. 1st to second at 40 KPH and it wont shift into drive untill 70 KPH is this normal? if not what are some possible causes?

03-12-2006, 05:11 AM
Hi Sorry if this has been asked already but I searched and couldnt find anything that really helped.

Anyway my parents have a 90' chev tracker 4wd 1.6l auto trans. I recently replaced the TPS swich and the engine is running top shape now however it seems like the shift points are a little high. 1st to second at 40 KPH and it wont shift into drive untill 70 KPH is this normal? if not what are some possible causes?

http://bbs.zuwharrie.com/content/board,15.0.html:iceslolan great ifs tech site

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