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Fiesta cutting out when i release the throttle

03-02-2006, 04:50 PM
can anyone help

i have a 92 fiest mk3 1.4

i can just about get the car started and keep it going while my foot is on the gas, but when i release the engine just judders and cuts out. i thought that the spark plugs might have been causing a problem but ive cleaned them up and it still cuts out when i release the gas! can anyone help?

regards luke

06-19-2006, 05:14 PM
try pushing the clutch down!

08-13-2006, 12:33 PM
hi, im not saying at all that the problem you are having is the same as mine, however ive just had shed loads of trouble with mine, first car all seemed gr8 however i jsut took it to garage for mot and get a few things sorted, mine was cutting out after i took foot off accelerator when in neutral (or in any other gear for that matter) only way to drive it was to keep revs high so basically a pain in the arse with lights etc.

took it there and mine was the single point injection model and they thought it was the carb, it turns out all it needed was a new idle valve! also when the car was driving it was kangarooing this has been cured now all theese problems jsut from an idle valve :D hope i can help.


03-15-2007, 11:57 AM
same problem im having, where is this idle valve located or is it different in every car? plus is it expensive to fix?

07-22-2007, 08:54 AM
i have the exact same problem! everytime i stop at lights (put the clutch in or put it into neutral) the engine cuts out! so when the lights change green i have to restart the engine give it loads of gas and wheelspin off the mark, and keep the revs high the whole way, so i had to put it into a high gear so i cud keep my foot to the floor! otherwise it wud kangaroo the whole way! my problem being that ive now been told that it could be the:

idle valve
carburator need cleaning
fuel pump
clutch (although this doesnt seem like the problem)the other thing ive noticed is if the engine manages to keep running in neutral for a few seconds it ticks ova at about 500 rather than just under 1000 rpm like its supposed to!

im will kangaroo the car all the way to the garage no matter how embarrassing it is :lol: and see what solution they come up with and let you all know. but in the meantime has ne one else got any suggestions? please would be greatly apprecitated

08-25-2007, 08:25 AM
If a carburettor model, have a look to see if the vacuum pipe has come out of the inlet manifold. This is located just below the back of the flange on which the carburettor is mounted. If not loose, it may need resealing with silicon gasket compound or similar.

08-25-2007, 01:34 PM
yeah thanks, it is now sorted! i had to clean the carburator out cos its was full up with dirt etc. now its runnin fine!

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