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2001 cavalier problem

06-27-2002, 03:16 PM
hi guys
i've been having a problem with my 01 cav (2.2) hesitation off take off and lately stalling while driving slow speeds, (40km)
took to garage first they changed the tps to remedy hesitation and today they changed thermostat to remedy stalling, just after i left the shop 1st stop sign go to take off and hesitation happens, went back to the shop and the gm mechanics are baffled... so just wondering if anyone has seen this before or knows what the prob is

06-29-2002, 11:20 AM
I've seen several '01 & '02 cavaliers towed in with fuel pump problems. There is a GM bulletin for fuel pump strainers for stalling concerns, I guess they are collapsing and restricting the flow. But I haven't fixed one with a strainer, (after they break down again and get towed back in) I put a fuel pump in it and it never comes back. Ussually any time a new cavalier gets towed in its the fuel pump. Whether GM admits it or not they are having fuel pump problems with the cavalies and s-10's!!

07-03-2002, 02:06 AM
i also agree with the fuel pump, because on my 99 cavalier, i also had the same hesitation problem, i took it to my mechanic we searched the whole car to find out the problem, and when we replaced the pump, everthing worked fine frm there. any questions let me know, i werk on cars

02-22-2003, 12:18 PM
this cavalier has been a headache!! first we replaced the fuel filter,then it still went dead well the fuel intake was cracked so we repleace the plastic garbage,it still went dead and the ft.oxygen sensor went nuts so a new one of those,still its going dead! so monday he is going to put a NEW fuel pump in cause NOBODY has an aftermarket or even a used one! $300.00 from the dealer..AHHHGHHH!! if this dosent work I don't know what I'll do...but I'll NEVER buy a chevy again.

07-15-2003, 07:01 PM
I have a 2000 cavalier thats not been wanting to start (sometimes... then others its great) ... and it dies in the road occasionally (usually two to three times in a row .. then its fine) ... could it be the fuel pump you think? Ive done changed the plugs, and the fuel filter.... and its been happening for a few weeks... and of course my check engine light is on (as if that means anything anymore!:rolleyes: )

07-17-2003, 12:36 PM
This is a depressing forum! I just bought a 2000 Z24.... And sure enough... ENGINE LIGHT! I took it in and the 02 post catylaic <---SP converter was shot so they fixed it and the dealership I bought the car from covered the cost....
I have a HORRID feeling that this car is going to be a TOTAL lemon... and I'm learning to drive stick and I am FOREVER squealing my tires... HOW EMBARASSING!!!!!!

I hope I don't have any more problems....:icesangel

07-17-2003, 01:32 PM
My car seems to be doing fine now... its not died on me in 4 days... maybe the gas has some bad stuff in it, and the new filter cleaned it out?

Anyway, the engine light is still on, but I dont know if it's a serious problem, since that its came on about 4,000,000 times since I bought the car.

I bought this car april 2002, and it had 27,000 miles... still under warranty, now it is at 43,000 & no warranty.... and this is the first serious problem Ive had... tho at 40,000 miles I believe I should be in the clear on ANY car!

My mom was always a chevy freak, till she broke down and bought a dodge because of the price... and three dodges later she's never had a serious problem. I think I will go with dodge next time.

07-17-2003, 01:34 PM
Oh I did forget one thing tho.... when its in park and you rev it up, as the rev comes back down... it seems to go too far down for a second, then back up. Anyone know what that means?

note: forgive the lack of technical terms, Im no car guy. lol

07-17-2003, 03:40 PM
your car sounds like it's doing just fine, you don't seem to be having any abnormal issues, just take regular care of the car, i'm pushing 100k in my 94 cavy and it's running fine.

07-19-2003, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by curt_606
when its in park and you rev it up, as the rev comes back down... it seems to go too far down for a second, then back up.

my 2002 cav does that too, i dont know much about it, but id say its nothing to worry about....

01-05-2004, 09:28 AM
your car sounds like it's doing just fine, you don't seem to be having any abnormal issues, just take regular care of the car, i'm pushing 100k in my 94 cavy and it's running fine.
I have a 2001 Chevy Cavalier and it is currently sitting in my driveway not starting. This is the second time it has done this. It tries to but it doesn't kick over. I took it to the dealership the first time and by the time it got there and they "got around to it" it started up just fine and they said it had no problems. But I am now missing a second day of work and it's a little frustrating when I can't get my car to start. Any suggestions on what the problem is?


01-07-2004, 08:08 PM
I have a 2001 Chevy Cavalier and it is currently sitting in my driveway not starting. This is the second time it has done this. It tries to but it doesn't kick over. I took it to the dealership the first time and by the time it got there and they "got around to it" it started up just fine and they said it had no problems. But I am now missing a second day of work and it's a little frustrating when I can't get my car to start. Any suggestions on what the problem is?


Hey I just bought a 2000 and It only has 47500 on it.... the tank was full when I got it and i got it down to Empty just before the red line...
Now it is sitting in my driveway... and will not start...Very frustrating...Anyone help!!!!.... cranks all day, and sometimes starts for a quick sec then that's it... just cranks

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