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Motorcycle wheels?

02-20-2006, 05:59 PM
I know this is a seriously long shot, BUT...

Has anyone ever come across a PE spoked wheel set for a 1/25 motorcycle?
I recently found a kit of the 1962 Triumph Bonneville, in 1/25 scale (it was a "bonus kit" in the '63 Chevy P/U), and the plastic spokes are way too thick.

I hate to think I might have to resort to making new wheels from bits of wire, but I am having terrible luck cleaning out the plastic spokes and I'd love something PE.

Thanks! :)

02-20-2006, 07:32 PM
You might be able to find something that would work in the "1/43 scale older cars section" of parts. I have some for an Indy Novi that at first glance look about right for 1/25 cycle wheels. Also check out WWI airplane detail sets in 1/48 scale. Just a thought... - Mark

02-20-2006, 09:34 PM
Aha! Thank you Mark, I'll give those a shot. :)

Actually, I just found some 1/25 moto wheels (exactly what I was looking for) at Details and Design in Scale. Stupid me, that's where I got the kit from, and they just happened to have the wheels!

Thanks again!

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