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Toyota/ PistonSlap aka Cold Morning Knock

02-20-2006, 04:55 PM
I have a '99 Tacoma 4x4 5.7L with 67K on it and all of a sudden, it started to make a rattling sound when I'd start my car in the morning during the cold weather and it being sitting over night. It turns out, the problem is called a "Piston Problem" or "Cold Morning Knock' or sometimes referred as "Carb BuildUp."

When it was finally diagnosed as having a piston slap problem, the manager of the service dept at a toyota dealer refuses to place an order on my car, although it is under warranty b/c he defines it as normal. However, piston slap is NOT normal. I have done some research online and no one says it is normal, rather it is the beginning of an engine problem. Of course, the manager that refuses the order sees it that way, he says it will never affect the durability of my car.

So now, I starting my own list of toyota owners with the same piston problems b/c I want to prove that I am not the only toyota owner with the piston slap problem and that I am not paranoid about the sound. Ford and Chrysler have replaced thousands of engines for their customers b/c they recognize it as a big problem, GM has not. I don't know what Toyota will say, but I am hoping to get enough names and records to prove that Toyota should do something to compensate.

Please contact me at toyotapistonslap@hotmail.com

Checkout: www.pistonslap.com (http://www.pistonslap.com)

Thank you.

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