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inline 4 cyl. info

02-19-2006, 03:33 PM
hello,i don't own atracker yet, but would appreciate some info please. are the 4 cyls. (2liter) motors GM or suzuki ? msnautos,edmunds,ect. rate the tracker very high! with the price of gas the way it is, i think GM is kicking itself in the butt for stopping production a few years back. btw, is the oil filter & spark plugs easily accessible? also,i am referring to 2000 or newer trackers,2 WD.thanks, frankp

03-06-2006, 04:27 PM
The motor is Suzuki (great engine but parts are twice the price of any GM engine). Oil filter is very easy to get at. Takes me 20 min to change the oil. I have a 2000 4wd and with about 50/50 hwy/city I get around 24-27 mpg.

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