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1936 hudson rat rod ???

02-08-2006, 09:51 PM
Ok-im 18- I have a 36 hudson 4 door that I want to make a rat rod out of. I am trying to figure out if it will be best to drop the body on a more modern frame with new suspension and all that-or use the existing frame and put on a ford 9 and a mustang II front end suspension. I plan on puting in a 302 if i go ford or 350 for chev. I want to chop the top a few inches and channel it some also. But my main question is what platform to build it on and if I choose to put it on another frame what model/year would fit best. The hudson has a 115 inch wheelbase. any help would be sweet!

02-14-2006, 10:18 AM
You've got a lot of work to do. My father and I are building a '36 Hudson Super 8 coupe. Rat rod style as well. We toyed with the idea of using the stock frame but came across the opportunity to use an early model chevy s10 ('82-90ish) frame. We used a single cab shortbed frame, cut and lengthened 11 inches. Comes out perfectly. We are also channelling the body approximately 4 1/2 inches, no chop. Let me tell you, there's an awful lot of fabrication ahead of you. If you'd like to go easier, and your outrageously strong hudson frame is solid, stick to the stock frame. I'm going to assume that your body panels are pretty straight because there are not many suppliers if any that will be of assistance, especially to hotrodders. The Hudson-Terraplane groups are very strict to original/restored cars. By the way, if your speedo assembly is complete and working, I'll pay top dollar for it. Let me know via email. Any questions or help don't hesitate to ask!
Justin Holland

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