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98 Cutlass fan switch, recirculate buttons & clunk sound.

01-10-2006, 08:49 AM
Hi all,

this is my very first post here. I was hoping to get a little help with my `98 Cutlass.

First question: The first two positions for the HVAC fan switch don't work, but positions 3, 4 & 5 work just fine. Someone said this was an allegedly easy fix, but couldn't tell me how to do it! :screwy:

Second question: the two buttons directly below the fan/blower control knob (left button is to get fresh air from outside and right button is to recirculate cabin air) flash back and forth and can't make up their minds who is going to remain lit. You can also hear them clicking back and forth between the two buttons completely on their own as you drive down the road. Trying to select one button or the other makes no difference. Some ghost just keeps the lights alternating back and forth.

Last question: I get a light "clunk" sound when going over even the smallest of bumps in the road that seems to be coming from the front wheels. This sound does NOT occur if I'm applying the brakes, though... as if something were loose in the brake pads or brake system. I checked everything with the wheels off and everything seems nice and snug. The car stops beautifully, too.

Any suggestions?? :confused: Thanks!!!


01-10-2006, 11:11 AM
Welcome to AF! First of all the problem with the fan is a bad blower resistor. It is located under the dash inside the blower housing next to the fan. They cost about $40 at a dealer and are a pain to get to but not hard to change.

As for the clunk, this sounds like the upper strut mounts are wearing, a common problem and it will be more annoying than anything else.

Finally, the problem with the switch it may be a bad switch itself. You can purchase one from gmpartsdirect.com or rockauto.com for a reasonable price and replace it yourself.

01-11-2006, 09:39 AM
Welcome to AF! First of all the problem with the fan is a bad blower resistor. It is located under the dash inside the blower housing next to the fan. They cost about $40 at a dealer and are a pain to get to but not hard to change.

As for the clunk, this sounds like the upper strut mounts are wearing, a common problem and it will be more annoying than anything else.

Finally, the problem with the switch it may be a bad switch itself. You can purchase one from gmpartsdirect.com or rockauto.com for a reasonable price and replace it yourself.

Thanks, GTP_Dad! Much appreciate the great reply! I went to both of those websites you mentioned and couldn't find the part (HVAC switch), but maybe I'm not looking hard enough or the correct way. :confused:

As for the upper strut mounts... is there any way to simply tighten these? Or do you think the struts themselves will have to be replaced?

Thanks again!


01-11-2006, 10:58 AM
You can try tightening the bolts as they will work loose sometimes. Usually these mounts need to be changed when you replace the struts.

Resistor is AC Part Number 158966 $16.02 from Rockauto.com. The switch is Airtex pn 1S2829. If you want a switch and there is a wrecking yard in the area you could go get a whole switch assembly there shouldn't cost a lot.

01-11-2006, 12:55 PM
You can try tightening the bolts as they will work loose sometimes. Usually these mounts need to be changed when you replace the struts.

Resistor is AC Part Number 158966 $16.02 from Rockauto.com. The switch is Airtex pn 1S2829. If you want a switch and there is a wrecking yard in the area you could go get a whole switch assembly there shouldn't cost a lot.

Wow!... now how did you go about finding those numbers so fast??! :confused: Regardless, thank you VERY much for the assistance! Any suggestions of yards around my area? (metro Detroit) Thanks again.


01-11-2006, 06:06 PM
Look up your car on car-part.com and put in your area and the site will pull up the wrecking yards in the Detroit area for you. Good Luck!

01-11-2006, 09:27 PM
Look up your car on car-part.com and put in your area and the site will pull up the wrecking yards in the Detroit area for you. Good Luck!

I can't thank you enough for all your help, GTP Dad! :thumbsup:

I have since gone and ordered those parts from Rockauto.com and they should be here in another few days. In the meantime, I have started looking over the area that I'll be working on and am wondering how difficult it is to remove that centerstack bezel. (trim around the HVAC controls and radio) Is this just held on by some sort of friction clip and can I carefully pry this piece off? Is there any way to find out before I go possibly breaking the part? (heaven forbid)


01-12-2006, 01:59 PM
Sprry, can't help you with that one. They vary by vehicle, some are held by screws others by clips. Just take your time, you may even want to purchase a chiltons manual to help you out.

01-14-2006, 01:52 PM
Hey there, GTP Dad! I got my parts delivered today and thought I'd ask another question or two before I dive under the dash of my Cutlass.

Do you know if that blower resistor can be replaced without removing the centerstack bezel in front? In other words, can this be done just by lying on the floor (upside down) beneath the IP?

And secondly, the switch part number you stated was for the actual fan speed control knob. I somehow was under the impression I was going to get a small bank of two buttons for the two that are acting up with the blinking lights. (for fresh or recirc air control) Were you thinking that the fan control sw/knob might influence these strangely acting neighboring buttons? Thanks again.


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