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For the real Bugattiste: Bugatti Magnum by Hugh Conway

01-04-2006, 10:17 AM
If you are a real Bugattiste, you already know what I am talking about: A book with about anything on the classic Bugattis. This book has more than 500 pages, is huge and thick (more than 2" or 5 cm) and weighs over 10 lbs (5 kgs).
The book has a linen cover, and is protected by a sliding box with engine turned finish, and a Bugatti chassis plate (with unique number stamped in) attached to it.
This book has been made only in a very limited production run, and every book is numbered. ( I believe the English version has 3000 pcs, the German 2000, and the French and Italian 1000 each)

I happen to have one available, in Italian language. It can be yours for $350, a very reasonable price. Shipping from Holland goes on top, but I believe this could be under $40. If you are interested, visit my site and look for the forum (www.bugattibuilder.com (http://www.bugattibuilder.com)) or send me an E-mail or private message.


04-03-2008, 04:42 AM
This book has long been sold, however, I have other stuff for the interested. Check the website!

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