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How to Paint The Body???

12-31-2005, 01:03 AM
I'm new here...and I just bought my very first model kit...it's a Tamiya Skyline Nismo Z-Tune...one question...how do i make my car shine?....i am really clueless about this....hope someone can help me from the very begining....sigh.... :frown:

12-31-2005, 01:56 AM
Answers are in the FAQ.

But basically, a clean, well-prepped body, with light, even coats with the spray can or airbrush, and then possibly sanding, polishing, and waxing it to get the best possible finish. It takes practice but you can get some good results with patiance and proper planning.

12-31-2005, 01:59 AM
I'm new here...and I just bought my very first model kit...it's a Tamiya Skyline Nismo Z-Tune...one question...how do i make my car shine?....i am really clueless about this....hope someone can help me from the very begining....sigh.... :frown:

welcome to AF...
please read these first:

and in answer to your Q's


read all of these CAREFULLY otherwise you'll get flamed! :angryfire


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