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just finshed

Midnight Racer
06-01-2002, 04:00 PM
Well I just finished waxing my Altezza.Here are the pics.Don't know why I can't post pics??Follow the links.

http://www.geocities.com/midnight_racersca/425-1.jpg http://www.geocities.com/midnight_racersca/425-2.jpg http://www.geocities.com/midnight_racersca/425-3.jpg http://www.geocities.com/midnight_racersca/425-4.jpg

edit by jay: uploaded images to AF:

06-01-2002, 04:10 PM
I can't c the pics...maybe it's just me? :confused:

06-01-2002, 04:16 PM
if i only could see the pics....... then i would know what to say about it......

06-01-2002, 04:22 PM
:eek: :eek:

That looks great! One of my favourite colors, too!


P.S. For those having trouble with the pictures: when you get a 'page not available' message, add a space to the end of the address and try again. It always works for me with the pictures on Geocities..

06-01-2002, 04:33 PM

thnq, it worked.. space after link..


Nice Altezza!!.. Great ass... and it looks mean.. thought the altezza couldn't look mean...
Great job mate.

06-01-2002, 05:14 PM
Looks very good. A clean machine.
Nice color as well.

06-01-2002, 06:17 PM
Wow!! :D :D :D That looks totally hot!!! :D

Does the grill come with the kit? How about the rear license place frame or the license plate hole nubs in the front? Good work!

I'd love to see a shot of the interior! :)

Also, you may want to check out the article in the FAQ about uploading images... ;)

06-01-2002, 06:41 PM
Arrr~~ for some reason i still can't c the pics......
I want to c them~!!

EDIT: o wait nvm space after adderss works thx for the tip~
Nice Altezza I hope mine turn out as good as ur's how u paint the window so nice??? and teh frame~ i am scaerd to paint it i am scared iwill screw up do u have ne tips for me?

Midnight Racer
06-01-2002, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by jay@af
Wow!! :D :D :D That looks totally hot!!! :D

Does the grill come with the kit? How about the rear license place frame or the license plate hole nubs in the front? Good work!

I'd love to see a shot of the interior! :)

Also, you may want to check out the article in the FAQ about uploading images... ;)

No thats a real grill and the nubs came with the kit same as well as the rear license plate frame.

06-01-2002, 09:15 PM
Which kit is it? Are those photo etch metal parts?

06-01-2002, 10:39 PM
That Altezza looks amazing.:cool: :cool:

Midnight Racer
06-02-2002, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by jay@af
Which kit is it? Are those photo etch metal parts?

It's the Fujimi kit and yes.

06-02-2002, 04:32 PM
cant c the pics and dont know what youre talkin about for the space

06-02-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by patate
cant c the pics and dont know what youre talkin about for the space

Okay. You get a 'page not available' or something, right? The address field of the browser still shows the link to the picture. Just go the end of that address, press 'space' and then press 'enter'. Should work - I dunno why though :D

06-02-2002, 10:30 PM
look good but not enought for my taste:p

06-02-2002, 11:31 PM
Where can i find those photoetch parts you used? Looks GREAT!:eek:

I was thinking about just cutting the plastic out and putting regular mesh over it but after seeing yours, I wanna do something nicer. :p

Midnight Racer
06-03-2002, 08:04 AM
These are a couple of places that I go to.

primera man
06-03-2002, 08:38 AM
That is a darn nice looking kit :flash: :flash: :flash:

06-03-2002, 04:35 PM
I wanna get a good photoetch grille for my RS200 when I start it, anything specific I can grap off of Hobby Link?? Studio 27 I find has good stuff to offer, is that what you have on yours?

Can you tell me what exactly you bought? And is it available at Pacific Models at Pacific Mall?

I can't get over it, it looks so clean and NICE!!:eek: :devil: :eek:

Edit: One more thing I had to ask, the headlights and tail-lights look really shiny and nice. Did you go over them with some kind of paint? Looks like REAL chrome!

Midnight Racer
06-04-2002, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by XenoKryst
I wanna get a good photoetch grille for my RS200 when I start it, anything specific I can grap off of Hobby Link?? Studio 27 I find has good stuff to offer, is that what you have on yours?

Can you tell me what exactly you bought? And is it available at Pacific Models at Pacific Mall?

I can't get over it, it looks so clean and NICE!!:eek: :devil: :eek:

Edit: One more thing I had to ask, the headlights and tail-lights look really shiny and nice. Did you go over them with some kind of paint? Looks like REAL chrome!

The only things that are photoetched on the car are the front grills and the rear license plate.I don't know if its available at pacific Models.The headlights and tail-lights are polished using car polish.

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