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Rainy days

11-18-2005, 07:46 AM
Hi everyone,first time on here,here's my problem,96 old cutlass,3.1,lately when it rains the car will not start,tried holding up on the shift lever in park,nothing turn the key on and there's power but no start,wait for a bit say a couple of minutes and it will start.I had an old car one time with the same prob,it was the dist cap changed prob fixed.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

11-25-2005, 06:01 PM
Hi everyone,first time on here,here's my problem,96 old cutlass,3.1,lately when it rains the car will not start,tried holding up on the shift lever in park,nothing turn the key on and there's power but no start,wait for a bit say a couple of minutes and it will start.I had an old car one time with the same prob,it was the dist cap changed prob fixed.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Could be a problem with ignition modules or wiring. The dampness could be penetrating the wiring and grounding out the spark

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