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11-08-2005, 07:57 AM
Anyone on here from the UK brought a model display case from www.modeldisplaycase.co.uk?

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-18-DOUBLE-SALOON-OR-F1-CARS-GLASS-DISPLAY-CASE_W0QQitemZ6962040758QQcategoryZ9113QQtcZphotoQ QcmdZViewItem

they look a little stronger then Tamiya cases, and the one in the link looks bigger and could hold about three - four 1:24 cars. Could work out cheaper, and they are glass, much stronger... After all the time I invest into making these models, be nice to protect them as much as possible.

Worth the money, I can get this one for the same price with a mirror back, and felt bottom.

11-08-2005, 09:19 AM

Mine holds 20 1:24's. I'm going to get a second after I finish a couple more cars.

11-08-2005, 10:38 AM
I make my own. :-)

11-08-2005, 01:56 PM

Mine holds 20 1:24's. I'm going to get a second after I finish a couple more cars.
I also have a couple of those ikea stuff, the problem is the dust who enter by junctions: had you made something like self-adesive sponge stripes on corners? every time i come to pick up someting to hardstore i said me buy stripes for cabinets, every time I turn around seeing wood machine and girls, and forget stripes:banghead:my collection swim on the dust:disappoin

11-08-2005, 02:00 PM
I make my own. :-)

Why does that not surprise me. :lol2:

11-08-2005, 05:48 PM
I have no dust problem?

11-09-2005, 03:44 AM
I've got an IKEA display case, two of them and they do allow dust in, so are only suitable for displaying models already in a dust free case. Plus, if I put the models in cases and then into the IKEA display unit, I can stack them up and get more in..!!

I might buy one and see what they are like.

And I know 360 spider builds his own, I could follow his instructions on his website, but I'll be truthful I just ain't got the time, or can be bothered... I'm more of happy to build my models, but after that it's all pre-made for me.

11-09-2005, 07:11 AM
Mick, my Ikea case doesn't let in any dust, just seal it!
Put them in cases then into your display case seems mad!

11-09-2005, 07:20 AM
Haven't got one of their cases so I can't really comment on their quality but I have seen them at shows and they look OK.

Somewhere else to try would be http://www.picture-pride-displays.co.uk/

I got my display cabinet from them, it holds around 28 1/24 cars and is completly dust free.


Not cheap though - cost about £200, but worth it IMO.

Also got an Ikea cabinet but it definitely is NOT dust-proof....:mad:

11-09-2005, 09:24 AM
I've got an IKEA display case, two of them and they do allow dust in, so are only suitable for displaying models already in a dust free case. Plus, if I put the models in cases and then into the IKEA display unit, I can stack them up and get more in.:screwy:

I know that cases (tamy 1car kind) fix the dust problem at all, however I just hate those, no derespect for who use that but I like show (me:iceslolan) my models in collections (few skylines, few scooby or rally stuff etc.) and also don't like plexi appeal. I'm thinking to put 1 ikea stuff orizzontal like that
fun? may work ikea case orizzontal:screwy::screwy::disappoin:evillol: 1 only glass sheet needed:smokin:

11-09-2005, 10:02 AM
I think you dust problem folks need to clean house more often.

gionc - putting the ikea case on it's side may not be the best idea. First off it's long and It would take up a ton of space, and second, since ikea likes to make everything as inexpensively as they can, the glass is thin and would probably bow of layed on their side for such a great distance.

11-09-2005, 11:11 AM
My IKEA case allows loads of dust in, I was going to seal it but even then it might not be totally dust free. And my house is cleaned twice a week by my cleaner, and vacuumed at the same time. The dust in my house is just dust settles as you cannot stop dust.

Hmmm... took a look on that picture display website, looks like they build nice wall units but no prices and 360 spider has instructions on how to build your own.. Right, time to get the wood working tools out..!! ha..!!

As for the horizontal IKEA case - ha..!! Different at least. But like Willmo says, it's cheap and will bend over time.

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