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CD storage sleeve - airbag hazard?

11-04-2005, 03:06 PM
I have one of those compact disc sleeve-holder things -- the type that slides overtop of the vanity mirror, and can hold around 15-20 CDs. However, I generally keep mine stored in the netting behind the passenger seat, as I have some concerns about what would happen to the sleeve if either the driver or passenger's front airbags were deployed in an accident.

Is there any risk that the sleeve could be caught in the airbag's path, causing splinters of compact discs to embed themselves in my (or my passenger's) foreheads? Or am I to assume the vanity mirrors remain clear of the airbag's path, regardless of their position?

As a second question, if the vanity mirror is swung sideways and positioned along the side window, does this have any effect on the HPS airbag?

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