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1995 Cutlass Strange Starting Issue

10-18-2005, 04:37 PM
Car will start when cold, drive for over 30mins, then maybe stop for gas, fill up, put key in, acts like no power to starter, dead, no turn over, nothing, no clicking, however, radio works, lights are bright... so you sit for maybe 20min? maybe longer, put key in starts right up....
the car has one of those resister smart keys or whatever you call them? can they screw up? oh, and it will not fail consistently, I cannot always make it fail... :( thoughts?

10-20-2005, 09:47 PM
I have a 94 Olds and have had starting problem issues. One that cost me $100's to try to resolve ended up being found when my car finally wouldn't start at all -was discovered and 'repaired' with a $25 roadside addition call.

An ignition wire, under the hood had been loose and eventually wasn't connected well enough to maintain a spark. So I would check this 1st.

More than likely, you are having the same problem I had last year which ended up being the crank sensor.

It took replacing the starter 3 times before the mechanic was convinced it was something else.

Same thing would happen to me - I'd stop for gas and have to wait and...eventually my car would start. But yeh - 20 minutes and this went on for a long time before the car wouldn't start at all.

But then again - I went so long like this that, all the X-tra 'cranks' may have taken a toll on the sensor. If you can change the starter easily enough, try that 1st (after checking your ignition wires.

All the many times that several mechanics believed that it was a problem with the key itself (and it may even feel like it is) that has never been the case.


12-16-2005, 01:54 PM
The little resistor a.k.a. "security chip" on your key probably has worn down contacts which prevent it from completing the circuit. Try a spare key if you have one. Otherwise have a new key made. I had the same problem with my keys. Since I got a new key, it has ALWAYS started right up.

12-20-2005, 08:37 PM
I am having the same problem.
I am almost positive it is not the chip as Ive tried different keys, and I also have a remote starter which has the resistor. Im sure one of the three would work. Most of the time, the car starts fine, but every once in a while it just will not turn over. Wait a few minutes and it starts fine.

When you say it was the crank sensor, do you mean the crankshaft position sensor?

12-27-2005, 12:10 AM
I am not almost sure that it is the starter.

When you put the key into start position. There is a click coming from underneath the hood. This must be the starter relay trying to kick in. Maybe due to corroded terminals at the starter, it is not kicking in. If the key is held in the start position, the starter eventually kicks in and starts.

Ive checked all my wiring upto and including the starter and it is fine. So the problem must be within the starter itself.

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