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Cavlier won't fire and no fuel

10-10-2005, 12:10 AM
I'm stuck here, about 2 weeks ago i was visiting my grl in college and i stayed the weekend with her. my car sat all weekend and monday mornin when i went to start up and leave to go to work it was hesitant on the first try the second time it fired but ran sluggish and hard then stalled...so i waited and tryed again i fired it up and it did the same thing sounded like it ws choking..so i hit the gas several tiems and it cleared out. i waiteed for about 5 to 10 minutes for it to warm up a lil then tryed to take off to go to work...i get about 3 miles and it stalls...so i start it up and continue on...it stalled again a couple more miles..seemingly when i slpwed to a stop...well i get on the highway and ended up slowing for a crash and it stalled...that was the last time it fired..now everyone told me fule pump..so i changed it ... now it's not the fuel pump..the pump won't prime when i turn the key on (no whiring noise) next i went to ignition system and tested the coils and module.. (put them on my grl friends sunfire) coils were fine but ignition module wouldnt make her car fire...so i changed that...i also changed the plugs and wires for kicks n grins...now im i did all that and got nothing so i rented the OBD II scaner from the local auto zone and tryed to get a reading...link fail...so my next thought was bad PCM...i replaced the PCM...and now i get the cooling fan to turn on when i turn the key on but still no pump noise and no spark..(from what i can tell at least) what the heck is the problem here? is there a reset to the fuel pump? crank shaft position sensor? or what?

10-10-2005, 05:22 PM
stupid question but did you check the fuse and relay change those if you havent and check the grounds throughout the car

10-10-2005, 05:30 PM
Yes i checked all fuses and relays have been changed. I don't know where all the grounds would be other than the battery terminal and the one to the bottom section of the fuse relay panel in the hood and those are fine. i checked with the scanner today and i still get no reading out of the computer for error codes...it's a new one from advance auto no less....could it be bad from the start or something wrong with my OBD setup or what?

10-10-2005, 09:12 PM
did you clean the connections at the fuel pump when you put the new one on. Also was the car parked on campus. if so is it still the same tank of gas? could someone have pissed in it?. but the fule pump not priming would make me think there bad connections at the pump it that was changed, if you have the old one, have it checked out. there is a ground near the battery on the radiator support panel or the inner fender, also one at the starter.

10-10-2005, 09:40 PM
The fuel pump was done by my brother, im pretty sure he did whatever he needed to do to it (including cleaning connectors and such) he also tested the old pump which was intermitted...turned on and hummed a little but other times it didn't (i knew it was going bad....i was just hoping to get away with out replacing it till way later on) There are grounds where? on the starter motor? and the panel near the radiator where? I hooked the computer up to it today and still get no reading from it, i get a link fail every time, i'll look for those two ground wires...would they cause the computer to not be able to read?

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