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97 fuse box (under hood)

10-02-2005, 09:53 PM
Ok I have searched and searched this forum and under my hood, is there even a fuse box under the hood of a 97 blazer? I read numerous posts about checking the fuses for my 4 wheel drive problem, but i can not locate any fuse box under the hood. TCCM fuse? to try a resest of the computer etc.

can someone tell me something about this please, none of the other posts about fuses or fuse boxes seem to pertain to a 97 mostly 98 and 96


10-02-2005, 10:03 PM
its a black box on the drivers side, has a twist-off screw cap.

10-02-2005, 10:23 PM
its a black box on the drivers side, has a twist-off screw cap.

I just looked the only thing i see is a little black box with two twist off screw caps and it is a junction box for a group of wires with fusable links?

man this is frustrating the hell out of me lol...

10-02-2005, 10:48 PM
Did you check behind the Fuse cover on the side of the dash on the driver's side?

10-02-2005, 11:08 PM
Did you check behind the Fuse cover on the side of the dash on the driver's side?

yeah i checked all those fuses, nothing that says anything about tccm, or any other ting to do with that, there is a 4x4 fuse. i tried it with that and it did nothing.
that is why i was curious if there is even a fuse box under the hood on a 97 because i sure can not find it. i am not an ignorant person, i am an electrical engineer but man does this make me feel very very low lol...

should have taken the advice from my father, dont get involved with 4 wheel drive.

i dont know man, but this whole thing is making me nuts

10-03-2005, 07:40 AM
Exactly what is your problem?
Does 4x4 not engage?, do your selector lights work/flash?
It may be something as simple as a vacuum line disconnect or a hole
in the line. (Check all hoses that connect to the vacuum ball on the
underside of the hood-driver's side)

To reset your ECM, disconnect the negative battery terminal for at least 10 minutes.

10-03-2005, 11:57 AM
Exactly what is your problem?
Does 4x4 not engage?, do your selector lights work/flash?
It may be something as simple as a vacuum line disconnect or a hole
in the line. (Check all hoses that connect to the vacuum ball on the
underside of the hood-driver's side)

To reset your ECM, disconnect the negative battery terminal for at least 10 minutes.

the truck is stuck in 4 hi. press the 2 hi button and it doesnt engage, just blnks a few times and then goes right back to 4 hi, ive tried back up , neutral, slippery surface, checked all the vacuum hoses from actuator, i dont know what else to do. that is why i was lookin gor the fuse box under the hood, to see if i hd something blown there.

thanks for your time mike..


10-03-2005, 12:21 PM
thanks for your time mike..


Wish I could have been more help. I know from previous experience the vacuum lines cause a lot of problems.

Here's a link to a similar problem, take a look at the last entry in the post. It might give you some insight.


Good Luck

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