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Two Questions

09-26-2005, 11:25 PM
Ok I am going to get some new rims, But should I get White, Black, OR Chrome?

Anther Questions, I finally got rid of my green turns, does anyone recall how the black lenses (turn Lenses)look for the 2000 body style.

BTW here is some older pics of my car

http://spaces.msn.com/members/cavalierguy2000/PersonalSpace.aspx?_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaHandler=TWlj cm9zb2Z0LlNwYWNlcy5XZWIuUGFydHMuUGhvdG9BbGJ1bS5GdW xsTW9kZUNvbnRyb2xsZXI%24&_c11_PhotoAlbum_spaFolderID=cns!1pJRauA5443q5pEuSI HKsnUQ!123&_c=PhotoAlbum&_c02_owner=1

09-27-2005, 12:50 AM
I say get the silver color like bh04 has. They look pretty damn good IMO.

09-27-2005, 01:02 AM
For starters....take off those decals. Oh and nice color by the way. But i'd say get silver. Black would make it to "blacked out" on a darker colored car. If you look at 01Cavy's sig, he has dark on light (rims/paint). I have light on dark (rims/paint). Some have dark on dark and light on light. White on white could be ok if the windows are tinted. Tint the windows also.

I'd say go with silver. Chrome looks good on red and yellow IMO.

But deffinately get rid of some, if not all, those window decals on the back. The cavalier on the front is a keeper. The racing stripes I guess are ok, but not the others on the back window. Makes the car look tacky IMO.

Take a look at my car domain. It's not very many pictures. But is pretty much the same car as yours. Click the link in my sig.

09-27-2005, 01:03 AM
I say get the silver color like bh04 has. They look pretty damn good IMO.

Oh and I got mine off wheelmax. But if you want some other sites i've found searching for rims, let me know.

09-27-2005, 12:15 PM
I'd say what i think and i know a sick color that would rock on your car and any car for a fact, but if i told you,it would ruin it for me and i don't like when other people jump on the bandwagon. A few online places have it so you can see what the rims will look like on your car. Only thing for some of us, we are lowered and they give you the nasty looking 4x4 height. There use to be one where you could adjust the ride height, but i don't remember what that on is. I think you should look into some Axis Evo's. 5 spoke is killer.

09-27-2005, 01:56 PM
Yes 5 spokes are awesome. I was on a limited budget when I got my rims. I really wanted some 5 spoke, but it seemd like they were more exspensive. Oh well, I am very pleased with my decision. The silver with black on my darker car, I think looks really cool.

09-28-2005, 05:12 PM
Those were old pics of my car, it now has tinted windows, a sunroof, and all four of my rims back on. I'm not going to take my stripes off that would ruin the entire purpose of my putting them on. My back stickers look pretty good now with the tint makes them stick out more.
i'll guess i will either go with chrome again or white.

09-28-2005, 06:16 PM
I actually htink the stripes look jsut fine. I plan on possibly getting the same bright silver to put on mine to match my rims. Or maybe not, that might be too bright. Still not a fan of the decals, but thats just me. Take some pics of what it looks like now.

09-28-2005, 07:17 PM
yea i plan on it i just have to get my camera to work. lol

09-28-2005, 09:25 PM
Nice color by the way. Hah!

09-28-2005, 10:24 PM
lol yea it looks a TON better with tint. I had green turns and they looked pretty good but i got pulled over way too many times and was running out of luck

09-29-2005, 02:57 AM
lol yea it looks a TON better with tint. I had green turns and they looked pretty good but i got pulled over way too many times and was running out of luck

No shit! I had the same problem with my green blinkers. Yes having the windows tinted does make it that much better looking. I also had green underlights, but i busted the front tube, so I took them all off. Next paycheck I will be buying a new rear bumper, drift style!

09-30-2005, 08:42 PM
i must of gotten pulled over 30 times for the damn things and the last person to pull me over said i was running out of luck and gave me another written warning. the cops would write a written warning and just put illegal lighting, i'd get pulled over again and be like " oh that was for my taillight" it was fun for a while but then just became a pain.

i have a green underglow kit on my car as well, and black lights on the inside. it looks pretty good

10-04-2005, 09:49 PM
i must of gotten pulled over 30 times for the damn things and the last person to pull me over said i was running out of luck and gave me another written warning. the cops would write a written warning and just put illegal lighting, i'd get pulled over again and be like " oh that was for my taillight" it was fun for a while but then just became a pain.

i have a green underglow kit on my car as well, and black lights on the inside. it looks pretty good

If your car was a 2 door and no stripes and minus the rims that i have, we would be twins. I had green blinks and green underglow on my car too. But i busted the front tube, and took the whole kit off. I am going to buy a new kit and hopefully can mount it in a better spot on the sides.

I had the same problem with getting pulled over, but only got pulled over 8 times for my green blinks. I took them out because the last po said that next time will probably mean a ticket. SO i took them out and dont miss them. Allthough they got some good attention from lots a folk. My underglow was bright as all hell too.

If anyone else reads this and don't have a body kit on there car but has underglow, where did you mount your side tubes?

10-05-2005, 09:01 PM
i have had my kit under my car for two years and never had a problem with it. the bad part is you can see it if you look in my front bumper

10-06-2005, 01:08 AM
i have had my kit under my car for two years and never had a problem with it. the bad part is you can see it if you look in my front bumper

Where do you have your sides mounted? Take pictures.

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