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Fan/Ventilation/Blower Help 94 Cav

09-10-2005, 03:24 PM
I have a 94 cav 2 dr. I just finished wiring my car for amp and sub and after everything was done my fan for ventilation in the car stopped working. I don't get any hot or cold air. I've been reading lots of posts and i'm not sure what the problem could be. Or what exactly i'm looking to fix. I checked my fuses and i'm pretty sure that it isn't a fuse problem. My defroster turns on for the back windows but thats it. Also when i change the settings for vent/and def stuff like that u can hear like a little noise but its not a fan noise. Also if anyone knows what the problem might me, is there a difference between a radiator fan and a blower fan? (Kinda new to cars so..)

If anyone can help thank you

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