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One of the most sinister production cars ever...

08-10-2005, 06:58 AM
Just found out about this one...

Invicta Black Prince

Made from 1946-1950, approx. 25 produced. 2998cc straight-six with double overhead cams.

[/size]Classic & Sportscar A-Z of Cars 1945-1970]Twin overhead camshafts, 12 sparking plugs, three carburettors, twin electric pumps, a 24-volt dynamotor, built-in jacks, all independent torsion-bar springing, and an infinitely variable 'hydro-kinetic turbo transmitter' which reputedly didn't like going into reverse. Superbly elegant, but much too heavy and complex to succeed. Most survivors have been converted to four-speed synchromesh, usually Jaguar.

1946: The VW Beetle was also new, with 6-volt electrics, while this Invicta had 24-volt electrics! Twin plugs per cylinder, pre-dating Alfa Romeo by a decade or two. Built in electric jacks - who needs to manually crank? CVT transmission (hydro-kinetic turbo transmitter!! lol :lol: ), all independent suspension, gorgeous bodywork, and one of the most sinister model names I've ever heard...I love it :thumbsup:


08-13-2005, 07:18 PM
I prefer this invicta...



08-14-2005, 08:02 AM
Meh, pile of plastic rubbish :p

08-15-2005, 10:06 AM
hell no, the old one rules

08-15-2005, 09:12 PM
hell no, the old one rules


Yeah ultimate mob-mobile :D

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