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1970 beetle

07-25-2005, 12:23 PM
hey i wassnt too sure where to put this post, so i guess im putting it here, all the other approaite ones said it was not allowed. anyway, i have a 1970 beetle and i got the engine rebuilt and all and it ran great. well we movied and it had been sitting for about 2 years, and it wont start. so i recharged the battery and cleaned the connectors and stuff, and when i turn the key i can hear the click at the starter, so i know theres power getting there. but when i go to start it nothing happens. so im guessing its the ignition switch. i was just wondering how do i get it out of the steering column, and also do you all think it is the ignition switch and what should i do to fix this? thanks alot, i really am clueless when it comes to cars so all and any help is verry much appreaciated thanks -ZAc-

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