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'92 Probe won't run with MAF sensor connected

Moody Blues
07-19-2005, 07:33 PM
This car was shut off and wound not restart. We took it to a mechanic friend and he said it was the MAF sensor. He modified it to get the car running, but it idles rough and is sluggish on acceleration. We got 2 used ones from the junkyard and neither of them wil let it run. If you unplug the MAF it runs for about 1 1/2 minuites.

Another friend has a SOLUS and we scanned it. Got 4 different codes, 2 related to the MAF, 1 about the baro sensor, the other escapes me @ the moment. Any ideas????

07-21-2005, 12:28 PM
what are the code #'s?

Moody Blues
07-22-2005, 09:29 PM
the codes were 8, 10, 14, 17.

8: Vane Air Flow (VAF) Sensor

10: Vane Air Temperature (VAT) Sensor

14: Barometric Pressure (BP) Sensor

17: Exhaust Gas Oxygen (EGO) Sensor - voltage does not change

Some notes: according to our Chilton manual the BP Sensor is _inside_ the computer ECM.

Also they (the driver & friend) was messing with the radio, trying to change it earlier on the day that the car quit. Any possibility that they could have got close to the ECM and knocked a wire loose or damaged the computer?

This car is driving us nuts BTW. Any help appreciated.

11-05-2005, 10:55 PM
unplug the maf sensor, and jump the test leads to the fuel pump located by the fuel filter, if it runs then there is something wrong inside the maf sensor, i just fixed a problem identical to this.

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