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84 vanagon engine wont turn over

07-02-2005, 06:37 PM
I have a 84 vw vanagon that I was letting my cousin borrow for about a month and a half, and last week he called me and said that it wouldn't turn over. the lights work, so it seems to have power, but their is no noise when you turn the key. i checked the oil, and it was good, but looked very clean. my friend said that he probably ran the oil out and seased the engine, then put oil in so i wouldnt get mad. is their any way to check that. and if it is seased is thier an easy fix I can do, then sell it to my cousin? Any help is greatly appreciated.

09-14-2005, 11:30 PM
Exact same issue with my 77 camper. Turn the key, no noise. Lights switch on.

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