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95 passat clutch/master cylinder

06-17-2005, 02:19 PM
Hopefully this isn't too tough....
Clutch is depressing to the floor, I'm assuming from the feel
and the fact that the clutch "comes back" after pumping that
the master cylinder is the culprit.
Just where is the master cylinder on this car? I see the brake
cylinder easily- but the clutch cylinder is not jumping out at me.

06-21-2005, 10:55 PM
I believe its cable clutch just like the golf/ jettas

07-09-2005, 03:44 PM
Sorry about an erroneous post - the cylinder I was talking about is actually clutch slave. The master is mounted much closer to the engine, and you can sorta see it if you follow the hose coming out of the slave. I have never worked on the master- looks like it is a pain to get to though.

Actually, I have a 95 passat and unlike the jettas or golfs mentioned, it has a hydraulic clutch. The clutch SLAVE cylinder is mounted in the chasis right behind the clutch pedal and goes thru to the engine compartment. You can see the other end of your clutch SLAVE if you follow the small brake fluid hose coming out of the brake fluid reservoir (which is mounted on top of the brake master cylinder) on the driver side and going down.
In order to get to see your clutch SLAVE cylinder, you might need to unmount and push to the side the coolant overflow tank.

I had a problem with my hydraulics before. If you have a trouble with your clutch, I would check for leaks first, bleed the clutch (you might have some air in the clutch hydraulic system) and then see if that solves the problem.
Hope this, although late, helps. Jakub

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