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Review on SR Garage 2004 Meets (Singapore)

06-10-2005, 10:54 PM
Reviews on 2004 Meets

K Car Meet / WRX Challenge I & II - 27th March 2004


Winner of WRX Challenge I

Winner of WRX Challenge II

Review - The opening Meet of 2004 - K Car Meet / WRX Challenge I & II, was held on the 27th March 2004. It was attended by 11 local modelers with 9 K Cars and 6 WRXs for the challenge at a East Coast Chalet. Well, there were quite a few strong competitors for the WRX Challenges and nevertheless, congratulations to Winner of WRX Challenge I, ShenRong, and Winner of WRX Challenge II, Bibendumz. and lastly, to Bernard (gtr206) for winning the SR Garage Cutest Car Award 2004 with his Hello Kitty Fiat Abarth. On the whole, we had lots of fun on that day with cycling expeditions, exchanging of modeling pointers, dinner etc.

Skyline Meet - 27th June 2004


Guest Appearance - SR Garage Evo 5

Review - Its back again with the Skyline Meet this time on the 27th June 2004. It was attended by more than 15 local modelers with a wide variety of skylines from KPGC10 to Nismo GTRs to V35. At the same time, we celebrated SR's birthday with the SR Garage Evo 5 as the present. In addition, one of our local modeller WS (Kkuku) brought 6 built skylines to the meet and hence won the SR Garage King Of Skyline Award at the end of 2004. On the whole, a hot sunny afternoon with many beautifully built skylines, a new meeting place for the Meet, celebration of birthday and with laughters and smiles from modellers, what more can you expect.

Civic / Integra Meet - 10th Oct 2004


Review - Held on the 10th Oct 04, the Civic / Integra meet was the 3rd meet-up of this year and was attended by more than 15 people. Pictures shown as above are outdoor shot as the weather was sunny when the pictures are taken. There are a number of DC2s, DC5s, EK9s and EP3s with a wide variety of colors and designs like the race-spec Gathers DC2, Buddy Club DC5 and EP3. Lastly, guess which car won the SR Garage Best Graphic Car Award in 2004?

Rally Meet - 26th Dec 2004


Winner of SMX Challenge

Review - The Grand Finale - Rally Meet, held on the 26th Dec 04, was the 4th and final meet-up of this year and was attended by about 15 people. Pictures shown as above are outdoor shots. This time we saw some special rally car designs like the Marlboro Impreza WRC, V.Rossi Pug 206 etc. WS (kkuku) had even won the SR Garage Best Improvement Award 2004 with his Marlboro Impreza WRC. Lastly, congratulations to Alex (Aegis) for winning the SMX Challenge with his masterpiece. What a way to end 2004 with a great Rally meet, followed by a wonderful BBQ in celebration of post-xmas and a new year.

Review on 2003 Meets can be found here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=325782)

06-11-2005, 12:23 AM
It really is great to see these all again!! Thanks for sharing and tell the guys I said they've all done a wonderful job with them!! I look forward to more meet pictures soon!:sunglasse

06-11-2005, 12:29 AM
awesome pics thanks for them! tell everybody awesome models!

06-11-2005, 08:12 AM
Scoobies!!! YAAY!!
Kei cars! AWWWW!!
Honduhs...Eh... Dam, all those look great! Thanks for posting! Keep up the great work you guys!

Frank X.

06-11-2005, 08:26 AM
What an amount of great models !!!!!!!!!!!

06-11-2005, 09:35 AM
What an amount of great models !!!!!!!!!!!
It was like going to a UK car show. :naughty:

06-11-2005, 09:41 AM
Reviews on 2004 Meets

K Car Meet / WRX Challenge I & II - 27th March 2004


Winner of WRX Challenge I

Winner of WRX Challenge II

Review - The opening Meet of 2004 - K Car Meet / WRX Challenge I & II, was held on the 27th March 2004. It was attended by 11 local modelers with 9 K Cars and 6 WRXs for the challenge at a East Coast Chalet. Well, there were quite a few strong competitors for the WRX Challenges and nevertheless, congratulations to Winner of WRX Challenge I, ShenRong, and Winner of WRX Challenge II, Bibendumz. and lastly, to Bernard (gtr206) for winning the SR Garage Cutest Car Award 2004 with his Hello Kitty Fiat Abarth. On the whole, we had lots of fun on that day with cycling expeditions, exchanging of modeling pointers, dinner etc.

Skyline Meet - 27th June 2004


Guest Appearance - SR Garage Evo 5

Review - Its back again with the Skyline Meet this time on the 27th June 2004. It was attended by more than 15 local modelers with a wide variety of skylines from KPGC10 to Nismo GTRs to V35. At the same time, we celebrated SR's birthday with the SR Garage Evo 5 as the present. In addition, one of our local modeller WS (Kkuku) brought 6 built skylines to the meet and hence won the SR Garage King Of Skyline Award at the end of 2004. On the whole, a hot sunny afternoon with many beautifully built skylines, a new meeting place for the Meet, celebration of birthday and with laughters and smiles from modellers, what more can you expect.

Civic / Integra Meet - 10th Oct 2004


Review - Held on the 10th Oct 04, the Civic / Integra meet was the 3rd meet-up of this year and was attended by more than 15 people. Pictures shown as above are outdoor shot as the weather was sunny when the pictures are taken. There are a number of DC2s, DC5s, EK9s and EP3s with a wide variety of colors and designs like the race-spec Gathers DC2, Buddy Club DC5 and EP3. Lastly, guess which car won the SR Garage Best Graphic Car Award in 2004?

Rally Meet - 26th Dec 2004


Winner of SMX Challenge

Review - The Grand Finale - Rally Meet, held on the 26th Dec 04, was the 4th and final meet-up of this year and was attended by about 15 people. Pictures shown as above are outdoor shots. This time we saw some special rally car designs like the Marlboro Impreza WRC, V.Rossi Pug 206 etc. WS (kkuku) had even won the SR Garage Best Improvement Award 2004 with his Marlboro Impreza WRC. Lastly, congratulations to Alex (Aegis) for winning the SMX Challenge with his masterpiece. What a way to end 2004 with a great Rally meet, followed by a wonderful BBQ in celebration of post-xmas and a new year.

Review on 2003 Meets can be found here (http://www.automotiveforums.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=325782)
The Blue RXS love the Image on the side. I like stuff like that and all the Skylines man that's the best.

06-12-2005, 01:46 PM
Has SR had a VIP Style Meet? I bet Rtuned shows off!

06-12-2005, 02:36 PM
Why was this brought up again? Im confused if there really is a purpose :confused:

Bas Carwash
06-13-2005, 07:15 AM
I really like the summarize of last year. You guys did some great meets.

06-13-2005, 03:06 PM
Thank you for all your comments, for sure i will post up pictures of our future meets in future. Stay tuned for this year's Meet pictures... :iceslolan

So far VIP style meet is still not on this year's schedule. :biggrin:

06-13-2005, 05:16 PM
You guys should have another Civic/Integra meet!

Awesum cars!

06-13-2005, 05:56 PM
awesome pics, thanks for sharing!

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