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2004 Cavalier Issues

06-07-2005, 12:23 PM
Here is my story.

Brought the car to get the blower motor replaced because it was making noise. now, ever since I got the car back, seems to not be the same and i'll explain what's happening.

1) Pressing the Brakes, you here the clicking of the solenoid, like 3 or 4 times, loud enough to irritate. (is that normal like the dealer told me)

2) Car seems to shift differently also than before, not as smooth and feels like it lost power. (could it be something that got disconnected, like vacuum hose or something).

3) Air Condition smells like anti-freeze after a while. Not a heavy smell, but enough to bother me.

4) Brakes seems to be slower to stop than before and they have a pulsing to it.

5) Darn fan is making noise again too. With AC on, you can hear it winding with the rpm (like a bad ground in your radio)....

I loved this cavalier up until I brought it in for it's first warranty work. Even the mechanic had left his dirty rag in the engine compartment. :nono:

Any advice? I am taking the car back to the dealer and will bring someone for a test drive to show them what I mean and I also requested to TEST drive another cavalier if they have one there.

thanks in advance.

06-07-2005, 01:05 PM
Make them keep fixing it. Or go to a new dealership. Tell them you want a loaner car if this shit continues.

06-07-2005, 01:11 PM
All those little annoying things (some not little) is why I want to test another cavalier of same year, engine and automatic, with A/C and all the same shit.

Then, if some of the annoyances are there, i'll live with it.


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