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05-16-2005, 02:09 PM
My Mazda Mx-3 KL-ZE has started making a clicking noise. The frequency of the clicking noise is matching the revs of my motor. I took it to a mechanic, and when he listened to the sound said that it definitily was not a connector rod. He THINKS it is my rod bearings.

The problem occured after taking my car on a run up through some twistes to see how my car handled against a CRX with a lot of suspension work. When I got back my alternator belt was ripped off, and this clicking noise began (fixing that didn't change a thing).

I need to know two things:
#1 Is my motor going to incur more damage from light driving? (Given the problem is rod bearings)

#2 Would an unexperienced mechanic be able to replace the upper and lower rod bearings given acess to all the proper tools and a mazda workshop manual?

My manual, under "Engine noise - Crankshaft- or bearing-related parts", lists:
Excessive main bearing oil clearance
Main bearing seized or heat-damaged
Excessive crankshaft end play
Excessive connecting rod bearing oil clearance
Connecting rod bearing seized or heat-damaged

Which one would most likely show me how to disassemble my motor to gain access to the rod bearings?

Edit #2:
It looks like I need to lift the car, and drop the oil pan to gain acess to the bearings... I was also warned that there may be other problems if the bearings were excessivly bad... anyone know what else I should be looking for?

05-16-2005, 07:47 PM
I bet it is your HLA's (the things that your cams keep in contact with) that are worn out. A common occurance on K series motors.

Have you checked the tensionners on the side of your motor? Thats another common noise.

There are more possibilities but I forget them. Try loggin onto http://www.mx-3.com and search on there in the forums.

05-23-2005, 05:02 AM
Well It's deffinatley not my tensioners... I guess I'll suggest the HKL's to my mechanic when he gets back tommorow, thanks!

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