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Disable Seatbelt Warning Chime?!?!

05-06-2005, 12:17 PM
I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt. ALWAYS. But the reminder BINGING to do so is driving me MAD. As soon as I start the car it starts binging at me 6 times, and the car is in still park!! Does anyone know of a way to disable the chime?! Its driving me insane. PLEASE tell me how to kill the speaker. My husband found his in his 94 passat years ago.

05-24-2005, 06:58 PM
Look above your fuses, you will see a bunch of relays, they are kind of hard to see unless you get your head right up in there, relays look like little black boxes about one inch accross. One of them will have holes cut in the surface, they look like ventilation holes, they are the speaker holes! pull this relay out completely - problem solved - worked for me in my 94 passat.

I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt. ALWAYS. But the reminder BINGING to do so is driving me MAD. As soon as I start the car it starts binging at me 6 times, and the car is in still park!! Does anyone know of a way to disable the chime?! Its driving me insane. PLEASE tell me how to kill the speaker. My husband found his in his 94 passat years ago.

06-13-2005, 12:34 PM
Yes, this also worked for my husband's 94 Passat, but isn't working for my 2004. The sound is not, unfortunately, coming from one of the relays. We removed part of the dash underneath and the sound is coming from behind the RPM display in the dash. When the tiny holes are covered with your hand, the sound muffles.... but how does one DISABLE this incessant BINGING?! Thanks for the relay suggestion.

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