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intake problems

05-05-2005, 12:47 PM
My 7M-Ge is running rough. To make it easier to work on I pulled off the hoses to the intake diconecting the air box and the car wouldn't stay running. Shouldn't the Ecu correct for the extra back pressure, or do I have to pull the muffler off to. Which Brings me to a future Mod of straigh pipping it once I get it running. Is that possible on these engines?

05-05-2005, 01:38 PM
So you disconected the AFM, and you're wondering why it won't run? Exactly what "hoses" did you remove? Backpressure has nothing to do with the intake, only the exhaust. The ECU can't correct anything if it can't meter the amount of air going into the engine. Straight piping for what, the exhaust? An aftermarket exhaust is usually the first mod anyone does to the MKIII. :smile: Honestly, I suggest you do ALOT more reading before you touch anything critical on your car again because it is not hard to ruin an engine or worse.

05-05-2005, 01:50 PM
by extra back pressure i ment the inbalnce between intake and exaust. I disconected the hose between the air box and the start of the injector or intake manifold. Shouldn't it still be able to run?

05-05-2005, 01:58 PM
Backpressure is a term reffering to the exhaust only, meaning pressure in the exhaust that every engine needs (to an extent). No, the engine will not run, like I said you disconected the AFM and thus the ECU can not meter the amount of air going into the engine and can not determine the amount of fuel to add. :)

05-05-2005, 02:10 PM
Alright thats newe to me, so Is there away to have the intake off and work on the engine without having to put it back in all the time. Can the AFM be moved to a different location and shouldn't it still be getting a reading?

05-05-2005, 03:17 PM
Don't be lazy, there are only three bolts you have to remove and reinstall to take the AFM and intake pipe off.

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